World Society of Victimology

United Nations Liaison Committee

- To spearhead the involvement of the WSV in UN activities, by:
- Representing the WSV at the UN Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice and related inter-regional meetings by emphasizing the importance of victim related issues;
- Planning involvement of the WSV at UN Congresses on Crime Prevention and Treatment of Offenders to make sure that the victims issues are adequately dealt with;
- Monitoring and participating in activities of other UN bodies wherever and whenever possible,
,such as the UN Human Rights Commission, UNICEF, UN Habitat, etc.; - Cooperating and working with other NGOs and States that focus on victim issues for both adults and children.

To share information on UN activities with the WSV membership through:
- articles for the Victimologist, the WSV website and similar communication tools
- fostering presentations and workshops at WSV Symposia and courses on UN activities
- providing or promoting academic papers and publications.
To develop a priority list of issues to keep in the forefront of discussions and actions including, but not limited to:
- monitoring the implementation of the UN Declaration of Basic Principles of Justice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power,
- the implementation of the draft UN Convention on lJustice for Victims of Crime and Abuse of Power,the implementation of the UN victims´ fund,
- promoting the availability of the UN Handbook and Guide in all official UN languages,
- the use of the Handbook and Guide in WSV regional postgraduate courses,
- harnessing Victimological knowledge in UN policy making, and issues relating to the victimization of children and youth, (particularly in view of the UNICEF summit on a World Fit for Children)

The Committee will communicate through e-mail or electronic meetings whenever materials and information are forthcoming from the UN and other NGOs on issues of direct interest to the World Society of Victimology and in the interests of victims, victims’ rights and/or victim services / assistance.

The Chair of the Committee will be a member of the Executive Committee who is a person of international reputation and with United Nations experience and contact. The President and Secretary-General are ex-officio members of the Committee. Up to four other members in good standing of the WSV will be appointed as members of the Committee. It is expected that appointed members will be able to travel to UN forums and other relevant venues in general usually without reimbursement from the WSV.

Levels of Delegation
The Chair will conduct an e-mail consultation with all members of the Executive Committee whenever new policy issues are under consideration by the UN concerning victim related proposals and these will be included in the agenda of the next available agenda of the EC. Following consultation, the committee is delegated to represent the views of the WSV to the UN. The Chair is responsible for disseminating information to the committee in a timely manner regarding future meetings and agenda. Since communication is often directed to the Secretary General, it is the responsibility of the SG to immediately communicate with the Chair of the UN Liaison Committee all notices, requests for participation etc. The UN Liaison Committee Chair will delegate responsibilities as necessary.

Department of Criminal Justice Sciences
Women’s & Gender Studies
Illinois State University
Normal, IL 61790-5250
[email protected]