World Society of Victimology

Membership and Advancement Committee

- To attract and retain the membership of the key academics, service providers and policy makers who are actively involved in the specialisation fields of Victimology, Victim Assistance and Victim Advocacy
- To promote membership of persons and organisations who are striving to introduce Victim Support activities in countries in which the field of Victimology is new and under-developed
- To facilitate Victimology and Victims´ Assistance training courses to create a better understanding of victims´ needs and improve services delivery
- To identify unique regional needs, weaknesses and strengths and propose projects by way of which the WSV might respond to regional circumstances
- To advance research, services and awareness for victims of crime, natural disasters and abuse of power by encouraging and initiating regional and global cooperation with the WSV

- To develop strategies and mechanisms both to recruit new members and to retain existing members
- To recruit a panel of regional and cultural membership ambassadors who will advise on and promote recruitment and advancement within their own sectors
- To work closely with all WSV committees on all strategies aimed at regional empowerment and global advancement of membership
- To coordinate with universities and victimology institutes to ensure that that victimology and victims´ assistance training courses continue and expand to other regions of the world.

This Committee will meet at least once every three years at the Society’s Symposium and conduct a conference call at least once each year during non-symposium years. E-mail and/or mail correspondence will be conducted on a need basis but also the committee will utilize social media network systems for regular updates, coordination and synergy

The Committee is comprised of a maximum of fifteen members, of whom the Chair and at least one other will be members of the Executive Committee. Membership is representative of major regions of the world and is based on specialist skills and expertise. The chair recommends the membership to the President. The President and Secretary General are ex-officio members of the Committee.

Levels of Delegation
The strategies which are proposed for the advancement of research, services and awareness for victims of crime and abuse of power together with the recruitment and retention of members of the Society will be presented to the next available meeting of the Executive Committee for consultation. The Committee may take action regarding the encouragement of regional and global advancement clearly within the policies of the Society.
The Committee is sensitive to the activities of the other committees of the WSV and consults the relevant chairs of committees as appropriate. All activities which may involve expenditure needs to be approved in advance by the Executive Committee or, in emergencies, by the officers of the Society.
Where no additional costs will accrue to the Society, the Committee will have the authority, following consultation with the Public Relations Committee, to place recruitment advertisements and events related information in approved publications, web-sites and circulars

The Chair will prepare a progress report for purposes of each annual meeting of the Executive Committee. Where any activities of the Committee involve approved expenditure, full account is provided to the treasurer at the earliest opportunity